Concerned at the UK Government’s intentions to review the human rights framework and judicial review, we have come together to state:
While every system could be improved, and protecting rights and freedoms for all is a balancing act, our Human Rights Act is a proportionate and well-drafted protection for the fundamental liberties and responsibilities of everyone in this country.
The Act guarantees the rights to free speech and expression, to life, to liberty, to security, to privacy, to assembly, and to freedom of religion or belief. It prohibits torture and guarantees fair trials and the rule of law.
Judicial review is an indispensable mechanism for individuals to assert those rights and freedoms against the power of the state.
Any government that cares about freedom and justice should celebrate and protect these vital institutions and never demean or threaten them. If you or your organisation would like to add your support, please contact us.


Humanists UK
Humanists UK is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people. Powered by over 85,000 members and supporters, we advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We provide ceremonies, pastoral care, education, and support services benefitting over a million people every year and our campaigns advance humanist thinking on ethical issues, human rights, and equal treatment for all.

Index on Censorship
Index on Censorship is a non-profit that campaigns for and defends free expression worldwide. They publish work by censored writers and artists, promote debate, and monitor threats to free speech. They believe that everyone should be free to express themselves without fear of harm or persecution – no matter what their views.

A B Charitable Trust
The A B Charitable Trust is an independent grant-making organisation, founded in 1990 by Yves and Anne Bonavero to champion human dignity and support marginalised and excluded groups. The Trust has no endowment and is funded annually by the Bonavero family.

Accord Coalition
The Accord Coalition for Inclusive Education is a campaign coalition of civil society groups and individuals which seeks to ensure all state-funded schools in England and Wales are made open and suitable for all, regardless of staff, children or their family’s religious or non-religious beliefs.

ACTION: FGM is a UK coalition of organisations that are working to end the practice of FGM, and other abusive ‘traditional’ practices, such as breast ironing and honour-based violence, that undermine the bodily integrity or mental wellbeing of women and girls.

Action on Armed Violence (AOAV)
Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) is a London-based research charity that has a central mission: to carry out research and advocacy in order to reduce the incidence and impact of global armed violence. Much of our research focus is on the harm caused by explosive weapons. When explosive weapons were used in populated areas such as towns and cities, 90% of those were civilians. To help reduce this burden of pain and suffering, we carry out research and advocacy campaigns to strengthen international laws and standards on the availability and use of conventional and improvised weapons. We do so to help build recognition of the rights of victims and survivors of armed violence. We also seek to research the root causes and consequences of armed violence in affected countries.

We are a registered charity which supports the country’s largest network of Independent Advice Services. We provide support to front-line centres/agencies that offer independent social welfare and legal advice to those in need. Over 700 members currently work with us and we provide services for a further 500 organisations.

Advocacy Focus
Advocacy means supporting somebody to become more involved in important decisions about their health and social care. Our Advocates help people in the community who have difficulty with communicating their thoughts, needs and wishes. They may also face difficulties with making decisions about things such as how or where they are cared for.

African Rainbow Family
African Rainbow Family (ARF) is a non-for-profit charitable organisation that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender intersexual and queer (LGBTIQ) people of African heritage and the wider Black Asian Minority Ethnic groups.

All Wales People First
All Wales People First is an organisation for, and led by men and women with a learning disability. It is unique in Wales in that it is the only national member-led organisation that represents the voice of men and women with a learning disability.

Alliance for Choice
Alliance for Choice believes everyone who needs an abortion should have free, safe and legal access in their own country, without stigma; set up in 1996, we campaign for free, safe and legal abortion access in Northern Ireland, an end to the criminalisation of women and pregnant people and an end to the harassment of people using reproductive health services.

Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE)
The Alliance for Inclusive Education campaigns for the right of all disabled learners to be included and fully supported in mainstream education from early years through to further and higher education. It is a national campaigning and information sharing network run by Disabled people

Amnesty International UK
We work to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.As a global movement of over ten million people, Amnesty International is the world’s largest grassroots human rights organisation.

Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
ARC provides impartial information and support to women and couples through antenatal testing and its consequences, including bereavement.

Another Europe is Possible
Another Europe is Possible was founded to fight the 2016 EU referendum campaign from a left wing Remain perspective. Since then, the need for our existence and the scope of our activities have only grown.We stand for a society run in the interests of people and the planet. We stand for an open society and a pluralist politics. We campaign for migrants’ rights, climate justice and democracy for all.

The Aplastic Anaemia Trust
The Aplastic Anaemia Trust is the only charity in the UK dedicated solely to research into aplastic anaemia and the support of patients and their families.

Article 12 in Scotland
We believe that governments, professionals, and the wider community all have a role to play in building an environment that respects, values and validates the contributions of young people.

Article 19
ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination. We do this by working on two interlocking freedoms: the Freedom to Speak, and the Freedom to Know. When either of these freedoms come under threat, ARTICLE 19 speaks with one voice.

Article 39
Article 39 fights for the rights of children living in state and privately-run institutions (children’s homes, boarding and residential schools, mental health inpatient units, prisons and immigration detention). We promote and protect these children’s rights in England through four complementary areas of work: awareness-raising of the rights, views and experiences of children; legal education; practice development through our national network of independent advocates; and policy advocacy, research and strategic litigation.

Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT)
ACT is the subject association for Citizenship representing teachers and others involved in Citizenship education. We are an organisation for teachers that is led by teachers, and we work to transform the lives of children and young people through high quality Citizenship education.

Asylum Link Merseyside
Asylum Link is an organisation dedicated to assisting Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Liverpool and to raising public awareness around refugee issues. It is a welcoming and safe place for people from all countries to meet, relax and find out about the city they have arrived in.

Against Violence and Abuse (AVA)
A leading UK charity committed to ending gender-based violence and abuse.

Ban Conversion Therapy
Ban Conversion Therapy is the UK campaign calling for a full legislative ban on conversion therapy.

The Baring Foundation
We are an independent foundation which protects and advances human rights and promotes inclusion. We believe in the role of a strong, independent civil society nationally and internationally.

Barrow Cadbury Trust
The Barrow Cadbury Trust is an independent, charitable foundation committed to bringing about socially just change.

Belfast Islamic Centre
The centre is established to promote the benefit of the Muslim community in Northern Ireland by promoting religion, advancing education, relieving poverty and distress, and by providing facilities for protection of health and recreation with the aim of improving the conditions of life of the community.

Best for Britain
Best for Britain is a campaign organisation striving for the best social, economic, environmental, and democratic outcomes for the British people. We believe this requires re-engagement with Europe, open, internationalist policies, and cooperation with business, all parties in parliament, and like-minded groups.

Beyond Skin
Creative Innovators in Peacebuilding: “Enabling the Arts as the dialogue to assist the development of a more peaceful, equal and intercultural society free from racism & sectarianism.”

Big Brother Watch
Big Brother Watch is a UK civil liberties campaign group fighting for a free future. We’re determined to reclaim our privacy and defend freedoms at this time of enormous technological change.

The Big Issue Foundation
From an award-winning magazine offering employment opportunities to people in poverty, a multi-million pound social investment business supporting enterprise to drive social change, to a charity Foundation supporting vendors to rebuild their own pathways to a better future and a shop curating social enterprise products. For 29 years The Big Issue Group has strived to dismantle poverty through creating opportunity, in the process becoming one of the most recognised and trusted brands in the UK. Founded by Lord John Bird MBE.

A non-profit organisation which undertakes research, advocacy and campaigning related to the impacts of large-scale bioenergy on climate, biodiversity, communities and environmental justice. Biofuelwatch campaigns against subsidies and incentives for industrial-scale bioenergy.

We provide advice and information to women, train doctors and midwives, and campaign for respectful and safe maternity care that protects women’s fundamental rights.

Black2Nature campaigns for equal access to nature for Visible Minority Ethnic communities as they are excluded from the countryside. We run nature camps for teens and children and nature events, conferences and campaign to make the environmental sector ethnically diverse.

Bond is the UK network for organisations working in international development. We unite over 400 organisations, ranging from small specialist charities to large international NGOs with a world-wide presence. We connect, strengthen and champion a dynamic network of diverse civil society organisations to help eradicate global poverty, inequality, and injustice.

British Association of Journalists
The British Association of Journalists (BAJ) is a non-political trade union of choice for journalists, both staff and freelances, working within newspapers, magazines, broadcasting and online media.

British Association of Social Workers
The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) is the independent professional membership organisation for social work. We represent more than 22,000 social work professionals committed to the highest standards of practice and ethics.

British Institute of Human Rights
We have a long and varied history of first calling for human rights to be incorporated into UK law, and secondly of supporting different ways to bring these standards to life and have meaning in policy, practice and people’s everyday experiences.

British Muslims for Secular Democracy
We bring together a diverse group of Muslim democrats from a variety of ethnic and social backgrounds. We want to challenge perceptions, ideas and current thinking about British Muslims as a collective and the issues that affect the wider British society.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)
BPAS is a reproductive healthcare charity that offers pregnancy counselling, abortion care, miscarriage management, contraception and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) to 100,000 women each year. We advocate for the ability of women to make their own evidence-based decisions about abortion, fertility, pregnancy, and birth, and to ensure that the law does not stand in the way of clinical developments.

The British Youth Council
The British Youth Council is the National Youth Council of the UK. A youth-led charity, we empower young people aged 25 and under to influence and inform the decisions that affect their lives. We support young people to get involved in their communities and democracy locally, nationally and internationally, making a difference as volunteers, campaigners, decision-makers and leaders.

Business and Professional Women UK
Business and Professional Women UK – generally known simply as BPWUK – is a women’s organisation that encourages women to make a real difference in their community and beyond and to realise their full potential in the workplace and outside. We do so through building strong networks that help professional and businesswomen develop themselves and their careers, that are connected at the highest levels of UK and international policy-making.

CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development)
CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development), is the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales and part of Caritas International. CAFOD works in over 30 countries through local partner organisations, reaching out to help people living in poverty, whatever their religion or culture, and campaigning for global justice.

Campaign Against Arms Trade
Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) is a UK-based organisation working to end the international arms trade. The arms business has a devastating impact on human rights and security, and damages economic development. Large scale military procurement and arms exports only reinforce a militaristic approach to international problems.

Campaign Against Climate Change
The Campaign against Climate Change brings people together to push for the urgent action we need to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate.

Campaign for Freedom of Information
We seek to improve and defend the Freedom of Information Act. We advise the public about their rights to information under FOI and related laws, help people challenge unreasonable refusals to disclose information, encourage good practice and provide FOI training.

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
CND campaigns non-violently to rid the world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and to create genuine security for future generations. CND opposes all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction: their development, manufacture, testing, deployment and use or threatened use by any country.

CARAS is a London based charity which works together with young people, families and adults of refugee background to provide practical, educational and social help. CARAS creates supportive relationships, networks and well informed services that enable people to access what they need in order to increase their wellbeing and safety.

The Centre for Education and Youth
The Centre for Education and Youth is a ‘think and action tank’ which believes society should ensure all children and young people receive the support they need to make a fulfilling transition to adulthood.

Centre for Women’s Justice
We aim to bring together specialist lawyers, academics and other experts in the field of violence against women, with those working on the frontline as activists, survivors and service providers to bring strategic law challenges and ensure access to justice for victims of male violence.

Changing Our Lives
Changing Our Lives is a rights-based organisation working alongside disabled people and people experiencing mental health difficulties as equal partners to find solutions to social injustice and health inequality. All our work is rooted in the belief that no one is too disabled or too affected by mental health difficulties to lead an ordinary life.

Children England
Children England is the independent champion of the children and families voluntary sector. We collaborate with many different types of organisation to support practice and develop policies that put children at heart in society.

Children in Scotland
Giving all children in Scotland an equal chance to flourish is at the heart of everything we do. By bringing together a network of people working with and for children, alongside children and young people themselves, we offer a broad, balanced and independent voice. We create solutions, provide support and develop positive change across all areas affecting children in Scotland.

Children’s Rights Alliance for England
The Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) seeks the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in England. It’s vision is of a society where the human rights of all children are recognised and realised. CRAE protects the human rights of children by lobbying government and others who hold power, by bringing or supporting test cases and by using regional and international human rights mechanisms. They provide legal information, raise awareness of children’s human rights, and undertake research about children’s access to their rights.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)
CSW is a human rights organisation specialising in freedom of religion or belief.

Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights
CRER is a Scottish strategic racial equality charity, based in Glasgow. We are focused on working to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and promote racial justice across Scotland. Over the years CRER has had a key role in advocating, campaigning, and influencing developments to promote racial equality. We have been effective in responding to a broad range of interests needed to make an impact upon deep rooted issues and respond to the needs of communities.

The Committee on the Administration of Justice
The Committee on the Administration of Justice is a Belfast-based human rights organisation and a member of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH). It works for a human rights approach to dealing with the legacy of conflict and a new, rights-based society in this region.

Common Wealth
Ownership matters. Unequal and extractive forms of ownership underpin today’s most urgent challenges, from inequalities of wealth and power to deepening climate crisis. Building a future that is democratic and sustainable by design requires us to reimagine ownership.

Community is a modern trade union representing members and their families, including the self-employed, in all industries and sectors within the UK, from steel & wire to footwear & textiles, education and early years, social care, betting shops, justice, custodial and immigration services, financial services, logistics & distribution.

Compass is a home for those who want to build and be a part of a Good Society; one where equality, sustainability and democracy are not mere aspirations, but a living reality. We are founded on the belief that no single issue, organisation or political party can make a Good Society a reality by themselves so we have to work together to make it happen. Compass is a place where people come together to create the visions, alliances and actions to be the change we wish to see in the world.

Compassion in Politics
Compassion in Politics is a cross-party think-tank working to put compassion, cooperation, and inclusion at the heart of politics.

Compassion in World Farming
We campaign peacefully to end all factory farming practices. We believe that the biggest cause of cruelty on the planet deserves a focused, specialised approach – so we are relentlessly focused on ending factory farming.

Coram Children’s Legal Centre
Coram Children’s Legal Centre, part of the Coram group of charities, promotes and protects the rights of children in the UK and internationally in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.to make an impact upon deep rooted issues and respond to the needs of communities.

Chronic Illness Inclusion Project (CIIP)
The CIIP is a voice for disabled people with energy limiting chronic illness, energy impairment and chronic pain. Leading through lived experience.

Cycling UK
Cycling UK’s central mission is to make cycling a safe, accessible, enjoyable and ‘normal’ activity for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We represent the interests of current and would-be cycle users in promoting cycling for day-to-day transport and for recreation, seeking to maximise its health, economic, environmental, safety and quality-of-life benefits both for individuals and for society.

Dignity in Dying
We believe everybody has the right to a good death. Including the option of assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults. We are a national campaign and membership organisation campaigning for change across the UK.

Disability Action
Disability Action is the largest Northern Ireland wide pan-disability organisation working with disabled people with various disabilities: physical disabilities, learning disabilities, sensory disabilities, hidden disabilities and mental health disabilities.

Disability Equality Scotland
Disability Equality Scotland is a national charity working to make life more accessible, equal and inclusive for disabled people in Scotland. Our aim is for every disabled person to have the opportunity to participate in a fulfilling life and to enable them to reach their full potential. We represent the views of individuals with any type of impairment, as well as disability organisations and groups who share Disability Equality Scotland’s values.

Disability Law Service
Disability Law Service is a deaf and disabled people’s organisation that has been providing free legal advice to disabled people since 1975

Disability Rights UK
Disability Rights UK works to create a society where everyone with lived experience of disability or health conditions can participate equally as full citizens. They are disabled people leading change to: mobilise disabled people’s leadership and control – in their own lives, own organisations and society; achieve independent living in practice; break the link between disability and poverty; and put disability equality and human rights into practice across society.

Discrimination Law Association
The Discrimination Law Association (DLA) is a non-profit network that brings together a broad range of discrimination law practitioners, policy experts, academics, and concerned individuals and organisations, all united around a commitment to strengthening anti-discrimination law, practice, advice and education in the UK.

Doctors for Choice
We are a group of UK-based clinicians who believe that evidence-based, high-quality abortion care should be recognised as a routine part of reproductive healthcare and accessible to everyone who needs it.

Down’s Syndrome Association
The Down’s Syndrome Association is the only charity in the UK dealing with all aspects of Down’s syndrome. Our aim is to enable people who have Down’s syndrome to live full and rewarding lives.

Each Other
EachOther is a UK-focussed charity that uses independent journalism, storytelling and filmmaking to put the human into human rights.

ECPAT UK (Every Child Protected Against Trafficking)
Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK) is a leading children’s rights organisation working to protect children from trafficking and transnational exploitation. We support children everywhere to uphold their rights and to live a life free from abuse and exploitation.

Emmaus UK
Emmaus UK supports people who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion by offering a home for as long as they need it, along with work and training opportunities in our social enterprises. Emmaus provides a safe environment in which people can rebuild their lives, get support with any difficulties that they may be facing, rediscover a sense of belonging and make a meaningful contribution to their local community.

End Violence Against Women Coalition
EVAW is a leading coalition of specialist women’s support services, researchers, activists, survivors and NGOs working to end violence against women and girls in all its forms.

Engender is a membership organisation working on feminist agendas in Scotland and Europe, to increase women’s power and influence and to make visible the impact of sexism on women, men and society. We provide support to individuals, organisations and institutions who seek to achieve gender equality and justice.

English PEN
English PEN is one of the world’s oldest human rights organisations, championing the freedom to write and the freedom to read around the world. They are the founding centre of PEN International, a worldwide writers’ association with 145 centres in more than 100 countries.

Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland
The Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation whose vision is of a Scotland where every person’s right to live in a healthy environment is fully realised. ERCS aims to provide accessible public education and advice services in environmental and related planning law. We also advocate for policy and law reform and will pursue public interest litigation to ensure environmental rights are upheld.

Environmental SMART
We are a Community Interest Company (CIC) seeking to work with communities, individuals and organisations to turn their environmental values into tangible actions, whilst highlighting the impacts of modern life on the environment and identify the solutions needed to solve those problems. We seek to shift social attitudes and enable policy change by education and skills promotion, public mobilization, environmental campaigns, events, public affairs and storytelling.

Equal Rights Trust
The Equal Rights Trust’s mission is to eliminate discrimination and ensure that everyone can participate in society on an equal basis. We work in partnership with equality defenders – providing them with the technical, strategic and practical support they need to work for the adoption and implementation of comprehensive equality laws.

The Equality Network
The Equality Network is a leading national organisation working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland. Our work is founded on engagement with and empowerment of diverse LGBTI people across Scotland.

The Equality Trust
UK income inequality is among the highest in the developed world and evidence shows that this is bad for almost everyone. The Equality Trust works to improve the quality of life in the UK by reducing economic and social inequality.

Equally Ours
Equally Ours (previously the Equality and Diversity Forum) is a UK charity that brings together people and organisations working across equality, human rights and social justice to make a reality of these in everyone’s lives. Through our members and networks, we join up research, policy and communications to shift public opinion and policy in positive and powerful ways.

Fair Play South West
We are the Women’s Equality Network for the south west of England covering counties and cities south from Gloucester and west from Dorset and Wiltshire. We do research and consult women on their aspirations and barriers to achieving them. We work with women’s organisations and other representative groups to lobby and campaign for the removal of those barriers and the furtherance of women’s rights.

Fair Vote UK
Fair Vote UK published whistleblower evidence of election-related law-breaking in the EU referendum and supported the allegations of data-related crimes related to Cambridge Analytica. Fair Vote UK campaigns on issues of democratic safeguarding and the rule of law including ways in which elected governments can be held accountable by citizens.

Family Rights Group
Family Rights Group’s goal is to enable children to be raised safely and thrive within their family and community. The Charity was established in 1974, by a group of lawyers, social workers and academics who were concerned about how families were treated when social services were involved with their children. We work with parents whose children are in need, at risk or are in the care system and with members of the wider family who are raising children unable to remain at home.

Fawcett Society
The Fawcett Society is the UK’s leading membership charity campaigning for gender equality and women’s rights at work, at home and in public life. Our vision is a society in which women and girls in all their diversity are equal and truly free to fulfil their potential creating a stronger, happier, better future for us all.

Feedback is a campaign group working to regenerate nature by transforming our food system. To do this we challenge power, catalyse action and empower people to achieve positive change.

‘FiLiA’ means daughter; we are the daughters of the women who came before us and we fight so that our daughters may be free. The focus of our work is our annual Women’s Rights Conference, which we have hosted since 2013. FiLiA also takes part in other activities including art exhibitions, consultations, campaigns etc subject to capacity. We are a Women-led Volunteer organisation and part of the Women’s Liberation Movement.

Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX)
Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) is a research and policy organisation working towards an end to labour exploitation. FLEX seeks to achieve this vision through the prevention of labour abuses, protection of the rights of those affected or at risk of exploitation and by promoting best practice responses to labour exploitation through research and evidence-based advocacy.

Foxglove exists to make the use of tech fair. We stand up for a future where digital technology benefits everyone, not just the rich and powerful. We use strategic litigation, communications and campaigning to challenge the excessive power of large tech companies, and to prevent misuses of data and digital technology in the public sector.

Frack Free United
Frack Free United is a network of residents, communities and campaign groups who are coming together to protect our countryside and communities from the threat of fracking, strengthening and building a coalition from all walks of life and working together to oppose fracking across the UK.

Free The Night
Free The Night is a non-profit organisation that is committed to creating a safe, progressive and culturally rich environment for nightlife in Northern Ireland. Free the Night identifies and challenges key issues within the night time economy that prevent it from reaching its true potential.

Freedom from Torture
We provide specialist psychological therapy to help asylum seekers and refugees who have survived torture recover and rebuild their lives in the UK. And we provide training for professionals working with torture survivors. With survivors, we campaign for change in the UK and across the world. Together, we raise awareness and influence decision-makers about torture and its impact.

Friends at the End
Friends at the End works to increase public knowledge about end of life choices and supports people to die with dignity. We provide comfort and support to those suffering distress towards the end of their lives. Our long term aim is to see the passing of assisted dying legislation in Scotland. Until this happens we will work to ensure everyone has a good death within the current law.

Friends, Families, Travellers
Friends, Families, Travellers are the only national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities regardless of ethnicity, culture or background. In all areas of work, they support individuals and communities experiencing disadvantage and inequality, with the issues that matter most to them.

Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth is an international community dedicated to protecting the natural world and the wellbeing of everyone in it. We lead campaigns, raise awareness and drive solutions to the environmental problems facing us all.

Fridays For Future Scotland
Fridays for Future Scotland was founded by young people from across Scotland in early 2019 to campaign for the decarbonisation of Scotland and for the Government to meet our demands for system change and climate justice by holding climate strikers and meeting with politicians. Inspired by the work of Greta Thunberg and other environmental activists, they knew it was time for the Scottish Government to take action to tackle this crisis. Our first strike was held on the 15th March and since then our network has grown into multiple branches across the country and partnerships with large NGOs like Friends Of The Earth Scotland.

Fuel Poverty Action
Fuel Poverty Action campaigns to protect people from fuel poverty. We challenge rip-off energy companies and unfair policies that leave people to endure cold homes. We take action for warm, well-insulated homes and clean and affordable energy, under the control of people and communities, not private companies.

Galop is the UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity. We provide support to victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, and other forms of abuse including honour-based abuse, forced marriage and so-called ‘conversion’ therapies. We are a service run by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people.

Gendered Intelligence
Gendered Intelligence is a charity that exists to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve trans people’s quality of life. We are a trans-led and trans-involving grassroots organisation with a wealth of lived experience, community connections of many kinds, and a depth and breadth of trans community knowledge that is second to none. We believe everyone can be intelligent about gender!

Gender Identity Research and Education Society
Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES) is a charity whose aim is to work to help the trans and gender non-conforming communities including those who preferred expression is non-binary and non-gender. The charity is operated by volunteers who give their time freely to support those struggling with gender expression. We work in collaboration with the other groups in this field and endeavour to find ways to empower individuals to discover their authentic voice. We will also work closely with families who are affected directly with a family member experiencing difficulties.

Glass Door
Working in partnerships with churches and community centres in London, Glass Door provides the country’s largest network of open-access shelters and support services for people who are homeless in London.

Glitch is UK charity that wants to make the internet a safer place for everyone. Through campaigns, advocacy and impactful educational programmes, our aim is to transform the narrative around online abuse and highlight its disproportionate impact on women and girls.

Global Justice Now
We are a democratic social justice organisation working as part of a global movement to challenge the powerful and create a more just and equal world. We mobilise people in the UK for change, and act in solidarity with those fighting injustice, particularly in the global south.

Good Thinking Society
The Good Thinking Society is a small charity that is pro-science and anti-pseudoscience. Our goal is “to encourage curiosity and promote rational thinking”. At the same time, battling against irrationality and pseudoscience.

Greenpeace UK
Greenpeace is a movement of people who are passionate about defending the natural world from destruction. Our vision is a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet, one that can sustain life for generations to come.

Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) is the national third sector intermediary for a range of health and social care organisations. We have a growing membership of around 3,000 organisations and individuals. Our vision is for a Scotland where people of all ages who are disabled or living with long term conditions, and unpaid carers, have a strong voice and enjoy their right to live well, as equal and active citizens, free from discrimination, with support and services that put them at the centre.

Helen Bamber Foundation
The Helen Bamber Foundation (HBF) is a human rights charity based in London which was founded by Helen Bamber in 2005. Our specialist team of therapists, doctors and legal experts hold an international reputation for providing therapeutic care, medical consultation, legal protection and practical support to survivors of human rights violations.

HF Trust’s Family Carer Support Service
HFT’s Family Carer Support Service (FCSS) is a free information and support service for family carers who have a relative aged 16 or over with a learning disability, autism or both.

Howard League for Penal Reform
The Howard League for Penal Reform is a national charity working for less crime, safer communities and fewer people in prison. They work with parliament and the media, with criminal justice professionals, students and members of the public, influencing debate and forcing through meaningful change to create safer communities.

Humanade (Charity No. 1116112) was established by Joe Corre in 2006 with charitable objectives that include relief from economic injustice, the conservation and improvement of the environment, and the promotion of Human Rights. Joe is chair, and the other trustees are Ben Westwood and Clive Stafford Smith. Humanade’s work in coordination with Crowdfunder is focused on mentoring and empowering the young generation to create fulfilling careers to fulfil these charitable goals.

Humanist Society Scotland
Humanist Society Scotland is part of a UK, European and wider international movement of people and organisations. In Scotland, Humanist Society members have a clear vision of a secular Scotland, and the activities that Humanist Society Scotland can pursue to achieve that end.

Human Rights Consortium
The Consortium is a broad alliance of civil society organisations from across all communities, sectors and areas of Northern Ireland who work together towards a human rights based society, which includes a strong and inclusive Bill of Rights.

Human Rights Consortium Scotland
We are the Scottish civil society network to protect human rights. We work with our members to be a strong civil society voice on human rights, doing all that we can to work towards human rights being protected, respected and fulfilled for all.

IKWRO (Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation)
IKWRO was founded in 2002 by our Executive Director, Diana Nammi. Since our foundation, as testament to the success of our work and in response to the need for culturally specific support, advocacy and counselling for women from the Middle East and Afghanistan, our services have been extended to several vulnerable communities in the United Kingdom.

Inclusion London
Inclusion London is a London-wide Deaf and disabled people’s organisation promoting equality for the capitals 1.2 million Deaf and disabled people and providing capacity-building support to London’s Deaf and disabled people’s organisations.

Inclusion Scotland
Inclusion Scotland’s mission is to achieve positive changes to policy and practice based on lived experience, so that we disabled people are fully included throughout all Scottish society as equal citizens. We do this by influencing decision-makers, supporting disabled people to be decision-makers themselves, and developing capacity, awareness and engagement.

INQUEST is the only charity providing expertise on state related deaths and their investigation to bereaved people, lawyers, advice and support agencies, the media and parliamentarians. Our specialist casework includes deaths in police and prison custody, immigration detention, mental health settings and where wider issues of state and corporate accountability are in question. This includes work around the Hillsborough football disaster and the Grenfell Tower fire. Our evidence based policy, research and parliamentary work is informed by our casework and we work to ensure the collective experiences of bereaved people underpin that work.

The Institute of Race Relations
The Institute of Race Relations is an anti-racist charity conducting research and analysis that informs the struggles for racial justice in Britain, Europe and Internationally.

Internews is a nonprofit that supports independent media in 100 countries — from radio stations in refugee camps, to hyper-local news outlets, to filmmakers and technologists. Internews trains journalists and digital rights activists, tackles disinformation, and offers business expertise to help media outlets thrive financially. For nearly 40 years, it has helped partners reach millions of people with trustworthy information that saves lives, improves livelihoods, and holds institutions accountable.

The Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)
The Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE) is the leading Jewish voice on race and asylum issues. We work in three main areas; Race Equality Education, Inter-Race Dialogue and both campaigning and practical support for asylum seekers and refugees.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
We want to live in a country in which immigration law and policy are based on sound evidence, promote the rule of law and are underpinned by respect for human rights and human dignity. In which no individual or family is made vulnerable or destitute or faces the denial of fundamental human rights as a result of immigration law or its application.

Journey to Justice (JtoJ)
Journey to Justice galvanises people to take action for social justice through learning about human rights movements and the arts. We are a volunteer led human rights education charity with supporters all over the UK.

Jubilee Debt Campaign
We research global debt issues, educate people about their causes and solutions and campaign in solidarity with indebted people and countries. We work in partnership with allies in the UK and around the world to strengthen the rules that govern global finance.

The Judith Trust
Established in 1997, the Judith Trust focuses its work on the problems faced by people who have both a learning disability and mental ill-health. Named for Judith Lawrence, late sister of the current Chair, and current Honorary Treasurer, the Judith Trust ensures its work closely follows the nature of Judith’s own problems, her Jewish background and personal characteristics.

Just Fair
Just Fair brings social justice and human rights together. We work to ensure that UK law, policy and practice complies with domestic and international human rights obligations.

JustRight Scotland
JustRight Scotland was established by an experienced group of human rights lawyers, working towards a new model of Collaborative Social Justice. We have 40 years’ experience between us of developing and implementing projects, legal services, legal education and research and policy work within the justice and human rights sector within Scotland and further afield.

Just for Kids Law
Just for Kids Law is a UK charity that works with and for children and young people to hold those with power to account and fight for wider reform by providing legal representation and advice, direct advocacy and support, and campaigning to ensure children and young people in the UK have their legal rights and entitlements respected and promoted, and their voices heard and valued.

Kaleidoscope Trust
Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based charity working to uphold the human rights of LGBT+ people across the world. Our vision is a free, safe and equal world for LGBT+ people everywhere.

Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS)
LAWRS is a feminist and human rights organisation led by and for Latin American migrant women in the UK. We support the multiple immediate and long-term needs of Latin American migrant women exposed to intersectional discrimination on the basis of gender, race and migration status, and to violations of their fundamental human rights. We also lead the Step Up Migrant Women coalition which is supported by over 50 women’s, migrants’ and human rights organisations campaigning for equal protections and access to justice for migrant survivors of gender-based violence.

Law Centres Network
The Law Centres Network strives for a just and equal society where everyone’s rights are valued and protected. They do this by supporting a national network of Law Centres that work with some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in society.

Law Centre NI
Law Centre NI works to promote social justice in Northern Ireland using the law as a tool for social change.

LEAP Sports
LEAP Sports is Scotland’s LGBTIQ+ sports charity, working to achieve equality and human rights within sport, to tackle discrimination and LGBTIQ-phobia, and to campaign for full access and participation to physical activity, sport and all of its benefits.

Learning Disability England
Learning Disability England exists to make life better with people with Learning Disabilities and their families. We are a membership organisation bringing together people with learning disabilities, families, professionals and organisations.

Leonard Cheshire
For more than 70 years, we have been supporting disabled people. In the UK and around the world, we work with partners to open doors to opportunity. We also work hard to break down barriers that deny disabled people their basic rights.

Lesbian Immigration Support Group
The Lesbian Immigration Support Group is a group of women in Greater Manchester who support lesbian and bisexual asylum seekers and refugees. The group consists of several volunteers supporting a vast number of asylum seekers and refugees from various countries across the world.

LGBT+ Consortium
LGBT+ Consortium is the biggest network of diverse Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans + voluntary and community organisations across the UK. Our membership of 450 organisations crosses every geographical area of the UK and spans the diversity and intersections of our communities.

LGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

The Locum Doctors’ Association
The LDA is a registered Trade Union under The Trade Union and Labour relations Act (TULRA) 1992. It is the only trade union in the world to represent hospital locum doctors. All doctors are potential locums. We believe in equal recognition for equal work. We are the only fully truly democratic trade union and listen to all our members. All voices matter to us.

Lyrix Organix
Lyrix Organix is a pioneering live events and youth education company (since 2009). Alumni include Akala, Kae Tempest, Michael Kiwanuka and Ed Sheeran, including shows on their own stage at Glastonbury Festival (Rum Shack). Lyrix specialise in designing and delivering bespoke combined-arts programmes for the likes of Roundhouse, BIMM and worldwide with British Council.

Manchester Migrant Solidarity
Manchester Migrant Solidarity (Manchester MiSol) is a self-help group set up as a convergence space for all migrants including asylum seekers offering practical and social activities for mutual support, empowerment and solidarity with non-migrants to build a powerful political voice against the systematic mistreatment of migrants in the UK.

Mary Ward Legal Centre
The Mary Ward Legal Centre provides free, independent advice to people who live and work in London to help them access their legal rights and entitlements.

Maternity Action
Maternity Action is the UK’s leading charity committed to ending inequality and improving the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, partners and young children. We deliver free, specialist advice on employment rights, maternity pay, maternity benefits and the rights of migrant and asylum-seeking women through telephone helplines and online information.

Medical Justice
Medical Justice offers essential medical help to the most powerless in society. About 30,000 people a year are held in indeterminate immigration detention in the UK. Many detainees have suffered torture or ill treatment, have significant and chronic health problems, and a few may be pregnant, or have been detained for prolonged periods of time without any prospect of release or removal. Being detained indefinitely itself causes serious health problems. Many independent reports and legal judgements provide evidence of the inadequate healthcare provided in detention centres, especially for those with mental health problems.

Mencap Liverpool and Sefton
Mencap Liverpool & Sefton are a local learning disability organisation working to promote and achieve equality for people with a learning disability.

Mermaids is a UK registered charity that has been supporting transgender, non-binary and gender diverse young people and their families since 1995.

METRO Charity
METRO is a leading equality and diversity charity, providing health, community and youth services across London and the South East, with national and international projects. METRO works with anyone experiencing issues around sexuality, gender, equality, diversity and identity across it’s five domains: Sexual & Reproductive Health, Community, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Youth and HIV.

Migrants Organise
Migrants Organise is a platform where refugees and migrants organise for power, dignity, and justice. They develop leadership and open up spaces for relational, organised participation of migrants and refugees in public life.

Migrants’ Rights Network
Migrants’ Rights Network is a UK-based NGO that works alongside migrants in their fight for rights and justice.

Minority Rights Group International
Minority Rights Group International campaigns worldwide with around 150 partners in over 50 countries to ensure that disadvantaged minorities and indigenous peoples, often the poorest of the poor, can make their voices heard.
Through our programmes, publications, advocacy, legal cases, training and education, and our action in the media, we support minority and indigenous people as they strive to maintain their rights – to the land they live on, the languages they speak, to equal opportunities in education and employment, and to full participation in public life.

Mosaic LGBT Youth Centre
Mosaic LGBT Youth Centre’s mission is to enhance and sustain the health and well-being of young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and more (LGBT+) communities by providing activities, programs and services that support, educate and inspire their members. Through this, they aim to empower community members; provide essential resources; advocate for young LGBT+ rights; and embrace, promote and endorse the diversity of young persons.

The Musicians’ Union
The Musicians’ Union represents 32,000 musicians and works to protect our members’ rights and campaign for a fairer music industry.

Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND)
MEND is a community funded NGO that seeks to empower British Muslim communities to actively engage in politics and media and to tackle Islamophobia.

My Death, My Decision
MDMD is a right to die campaign organisation which wants to see a more compassionate approach to dying in the UK, including giving people the legal right to a medically assisted death if that is their persistent wish. We believe that people should have more control over the manner and timing of their death in order to minimise their mental and physical suffering.

National Aids Trust
We’re the UK’s HIV rights charity. We work to stop HIV from standing in the way of health, dignity and equality, and to end new HIV transmissions. Our expertise, research and advocacy secure lasting change to the lives of people living with and at risk of HIV.

National Children’s Bureau (NCB)
NCB brings people and organisations together to drive change in society and deliver a better childhood across the UK.

National Deaf Children’s Society
We are the National Deaf Children’s Society, the leading charity for deaf children. We give expert support on childhood deafness, raise awareness and campaign for deaf children’s rights, so they have the same opportunities as everyone else.

National Development Team for Inclusion
We are a social change organisation working to enable people at risk of exclusion, due to age or disability, to live the life they choose.
Through our change and development work, research and evaluation and best practice examples, we inspire and support policymakers, services and communities to make change happen – change that leads to better lives.

National Survivor User Network
The National Survivor User Network (NSUN) is a network of people who have and do experience mental distress who want to change things for the better. NSUN connects people and influences policy, practice and perceptions by amplifying the experiences and aspirations of our members.
The network was set up to build a more united and confident mental health service user movement. It recognises the isolation, discrimination and disadvantage experienced by mental health service users and their needs beyond clinical treatment.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) is the largest membership organisation for the voluntary sector in England. With over 16,500 members, NCVO represents all types of organisations, from large ‘household name’ charities to small voluntary and community groups involved at the local level. We are also the lead body for volunteering in England.

Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol)
The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) and its members are the only British-based civil rights network working directly with frontline and grassroots movements to resist oppressive policing. We are a group of campaigners, lawyers and researchers working primarily to defend the freedom to protest, to oppose the impact of intrusive police surveillance and to highlight violent, disproportionate and racist policing in our communities

Network of Sikh Organisations (UK)
The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO) links more than 130 UK gurdwaras and other UK Sikh organisations in active cooperation to enhance the image and understanding of Sikhism in the UK.

nia has been delivering services for women, girls and children who have experienced sexual and domestic violence since 1975. nia is run for women and children by women, providing services developed in consultation with women who have experienced men’s violence, and from a proudly feminist perspective.

Northern Ireland Council for Racial Equality
The Northern Ireland Council for Racial Equality (NICRE) was set up in 2017 to promote good race relations and to endeavour the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of human rights and racial equality.

Nurses United
Nurses United is a campaign organisation of frontline nurses for frontline nurses. We build power to create the changes we – and our patients – want to see.

Omega Research Foundation
Established in 1990 the Omega Research Foundation provide rigorous, objective, evidence-based research on the manufacture, trade, and use of, military, security and police (MSP) equipment. Such technologies range from small arms and light weapons to large weapon systems; from policing technologies and prison equipment to equipment used for torture, amongst others.

OneKind is Scotland’s leading animal campaigns charity. OneKind exists to end cruelty to Scotland’s animals. We expose cruelty and persecution through our investigations and research, and end it for good by giving Scotland’s animals a voice. We are based in Edinburgh, with volunteers across Scotland and the UK, and our work covers Scotland’s wildlife, farmed animals, companion and lab animals.

Open Rights Group
Founded in 2005, Open Rights Group (ORG) is a UK-based digital campaigning organisation working to protect our rights to privacy and free speech online. They exist to raise awareness about threats digital technology pose our human rights and challenge them through public campaigns, media commentary, legal actions, policy interventions and tech projects.

Open Spaces Society
The Open Spaces Society is Britain’s oldest national conservation body, founded in 1865. We campaign for stronger protection and opportunities for everyone to enjoy commons, greens and paths. We defend open spaces against loss and pressures from development. We assist local communities so that they can safeguard their green spaces for future generations to enjoy.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Palestine Solidarity Campaign is a community of people working together for peace, equality, and justice and against racism, occupation, and colonisation. Together we are the biggest organisation in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights.

Paul Hamlyn Foundation
We are an independent foundation and grant maker, supporting social change and working towards a just society in which everyone, especially young people, can realise their full potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives.

Peace Pledge Union
The Peace Pledge Union’s members pledge to resist all war and the causes
of war. We are the British Section of War Resisters’ International. Our
work includes challenging militarism, promoting peacebuilding and active
nonviolence, providing educational resources and encouraging remembrance for all victims of war. We are pacifist, not passive!

People First
People First is an organisation run by and for people with learning difficulties. The organisation aims to speak up and campaign for the rights of people with learning difficulties. We also aim to support self-advocacy groups across the country in their work.

People First (Scotland)
People First (Scotland) works for the human rights of people who have the labels of Learning Disability or Intellectual Impairment. People First (Scotland) is controlled by its members, who all identify themselves in that way. As a Disabled Persons User Led Organisation, People First (Scotland) campaigns to establish and protect the same freedom, choice, dignity and control held by other citizens across all areas of members lives.

Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK)
PAN UK is the only UK charity focused on tackling the problems associated with pesticides. We promote safe, sustainable alternatives to hazardous pesticides.

Peter Tatchell Foundation
The Peter Tatchell Foundation (PTF) seeks to promote and protect the human rights of individuals, communities and nations, in the UK and internationally, in accordance with established national and international human rights law.

The PILS Project
The Public Interest Litigation Support (PILS) Project uses the law strategically to improve human rights and equality in Northern Ireland. The Belfast-based project was set up in 2009 to support the use of public interest litigation. PILS offer a range of free services to their solicitor and NGO members to help them take strategic test cases that have human rights or equality concerns at their core.

Positive Money
Positive Money is a not-for-profit research and campaigning organisation with a grassroots network of over 30,000 online supporters. Our mission is to reform money and banking to build a fair, democratic and sustainable economy. To achieve this, we produce groundbreaking research and policy, educate the public and politicians, and mobilise people-powered campaigns.

Possability People
Possability People supports disabled people to live independently, with dignity and without prejudice. We are user-led disability charity working in the South East providing advice, information and support services for disabled people their carers, families and friends.

Prison Reform Trust
The Prison Reform Trust (PRT) is an independent UK charity working to create a just, humane and effective penal system.

The Proud Trust
The Proud Trust is a life saving and life enhancing organisation that helps LGBT+ young people empower themselves, to make a positive change for themselves, and their communities. We do this through youth groups, coordinating national and regional LGBT+ youth work networks, managing the LGBT+ Centre for Manchester, delivering training, running events and campaigns, undertaking research and creating resources.

Psychologists for Social Change Cymru
Psychologists for Social Change Cymru is a network of applied psychologists, academics, therapists, psychology graduates and others who are interested in applying psychology to policy and political action. We believe that people’s social, political and material contexts are central to their experiences as individuals. We aim to encourage more psychologists to draw on our shared experience and knowledge to engage in public and policy debates.

Psychotherapy and Counselling Union (PCU)
The Psychotherapy and Counselling Union (PCU), founded in 2016, is committed to our mission of standing up for therapists and the future of therapy.

Quakers in Britain
Quakers are a faith group committed to working for equality and peace. Quakerism is almost 400 years old. It’s the common name for the Religious Society of Friends. It grew out of Christianity and today we also find meaning and value in other faiths and traditions. We recognise that there’s something transcendent and precious in every person.

Race Equality First
Race Equality First (REF) has over 40 years of experience as the recognised lead body in South Wales for tackling discrimination and hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right. REF supports victims of hate crime and discrimination and provides an advocacy service for people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.

Race Equality Foundation
The Race Equality Foundation was established in 1987 as part of the National Institute for Social Work (NISW) and known as the Race Equality Unit. Later it became an independent charitable organisation in 1995, and in 2006, changed its name to the Race Equality Foundation. It promotes race equality in social support and public services.

Race on the Agenda
Race on the Agenda (ROTA) is a social policy research organisation that focuses on issues impacting on black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. Their policy and prioritises are health, education and criminal justice. As a BAME-led organisation, all ROTA’s work is based on the principle that those with direct experience of inequality should be central to solutions to address it. Their work is actively informed by the lived experiences of BAME communities and their organisations.

Rainbow Migration
Originally founded as the Stonewall Immigration Group in 1993, Rainbow Migration supports LGBTQI+ people through the asylum and immigration system.

Rainbow Project
The Rainbow Project is a health organisation that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people in Northern Ireland. We are the foremost LGB&T organisation in Northern Ireland and have two centres: one in Belfast city centre and the other in Foyle, L’Derry.

The Ramblers
The Ramblers is Britain’s largest walking charity, with around 100,000 members. We are dedicated to looking after paths and green spaces, leading walks, opening up new places to explore, and encouraging everyone to get outside and discover how walking boosts health and happiness.

RAMFEL (Refugee & Migrant Forum of Essex and London)
RAMFEL is a charity that supports vulnerable migrants to access justice and that provides vital support in moments of individual crisis.

Refuge is the largest specialist provider of gender-based violence services in the country, supporting over 6,500 women and children on any given day. Refuge opened the world’s first refuge in 1971 in Chiswick and, 49 years later, provides: a national network of 48 refuges, community outreach programmes, child support services, and independent advocacy services for those experiencing domestic, sexual, and other gender-based violence. We also run specialist services for survivors of tech abuse, modern slavery, ‘honour’-based violence, and female genital mutilation. Refuge provides the National Domestic Abuse Helpline which receives hundreds of calls every day.

Refugee Action
At Refugee Action, we help people who’ve survived some of the world’s worst regimes. We get them the basic support they need to live again with dignity. Then we help them build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK. Our vision is that refugees and people seeking asylum will be welcome in the UK. They will get justice, live free of poverty and be able to successfully rebuild their lives

Refugee Council
The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. Founded in 1951, following the creation of the UN Refugee Convention, we exist to support and empower people who have made the heart breaking decision to flee conflict, violence and persecution in order to rebuild their lives here in the UK.

Release is the national centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law in the UK. The organisation, founded in 1967, is an independent and registered charity that provides free non-judgmental, specialist advice and information to the public and professionals.

Reporters without Borders
Reporters Without Borders – known internationally as Reporters sans frontières (RSF) – is a non-profit organisation that has been working for 35 years to promote and protect press freedom around the world through its Paris headquarters and 13 country offices, its network of correspondents in more than 130 countries, and its consultative status at the United Nations, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.

René Cassin
René Cassin is a charity working to promote and protect universal human rights, drawing on Jewish experience and values.

Reprieve is a legal action non-governmental organisation (NGO). We are investigators, lawyers and campaigners fighting for justice. We defend marginalised people who are facing human rights abuses, often at the hands of powerful governments.

Restorative Justice for All (RJ4ALL)
At RJ4ALL we’re on a mission to advance community cohesion and human rights. We aim to redistribute power in a more equal way by delivering social justice and poverty relief projects, educational programmes and internships and high quality volunteering opportunities to the most marginalised groups of society.

Revolving Doors
The mission of Revolving Doors Agency is to end the cycle of crisis and crime by demonstrating and sharing evidence of effective ways to reform our public services, transforming the lives of individuals currently failed by the system. We do this through partnerships with national and local government, policymakers, commissioners and academic researchers.

Rights and Security International
For over three decades Rights and Security International has been successfully advocating for a rights-based approach to national security, and holding Governments to account for unlawful actions taken in the name of national security. Our vision is of a world which recognises that our individual freedoms are essential to our collective security.

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is one of the UK’s leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted people. We provide a wealth of services including practical and emotional support through our RNIB Connect community and our Sight Loss Advice Service, guide business and public services on accessibility, campaign for change, and have a library of over 60,000 accessible reading materials, including daily newspapers.
Every day 250 people begin to lose their sight. We want society, communities and individuals to see differently about sight loss.

Safe Passage
We help refugees access safe routes to asylum.

Samaritans is a charity working across the UK and Ireland to reduce the number of people who take their own lives. We support people who are struggling to cope with how they’re feeling or with life’s challenges, take action to prevent people reaching crisis point, and campaign to make suicide prevention a priority.

Save the Children
Save the Children exists to help every child reach their full potential. In the UK and around the world, we make sure children stay safe, healthy and keep learning, so they can become who they want to be.

Scotland’s International Development Alliance
Scotland’s International Development Alliance (the Alliance) is the membership body in Scotland for everyone committed to creating a fairer world, free from poverty, injustice and environmental threats. Our membership brings together a diverse range of organisations and individuals including NGOs, businesses, academic institutions and public sector bodies that operate in over 100 countries.

Scottish Legal Action Group
We fight for a fair, humane, and accessible legal system. We aim to increase understanding of the law and legal services, and work to improve the legal system for the benefit of those people in Scotland who are economically, socially or otherwise disadvantaged.

Scottish PEN
Scottish PEN is a centre of PEN International and not-for-profit organisation that champions freedom of expression and literature across borders.

Scottish Refugee Council
Scottish Refugee Council is Scotland’s national refugee charity. Our vision is for a Scotland in which all people seeking refugee protection are welcome. We work to build a society where people of all ages are protected, find safety and support, have their human rights and dignity respected and are able to achieve their full potential.

Scottish Women’s Rights Centre
The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre is a unique collaborative project that provides free legal information, advice and representation to women affected by violence and abuse. The Centre strives to fill the gaps that exist between women’s experiences of gender based violence and their ability to access justice by working with specialist solicitors and experienced advocacy workers. Informed by our direct work with victims/survivors of violence and abuse, we seek to influence national policy, research and training to improve processes and systems, and ultimately to improve the outcomes for women who have experienced gender based violence.

SecurityWomen is an advocacy and research based organisation promoting the inclusion of more women in the security sector across the world – UN peacekeeping, armed forces, police, cyber-security, and private security. The premise being that a better security for all can be created through better gender balance, and the likelihood of a less violent and conflict-ridden world.

Sheila McKechnie Foundation
At the Sheila McKechnie Foundation, we recognise that change often begins in civil society. From it have come better rights and protections, changes in social attitudes, and new ways to support each other, our communities and the natural world. The power civil society has to drive truly transformational change – in one person’s life or our entire society – is most effective when we work at our best, without unreasonable constraint. We call it ‘Social Power’. Our mission is to unleash it.

Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support, and legal services. And we campaign to make sure that, one day, no one will have to turn to us for help.

Small Charities Coalition
The Small Charities Coalition supports small organisations with a social purpose to change lives, improve communities and broaden people’s opportunities.

Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI)
Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement working together to transform the lives of women and girls with nearly 80,000 Members in 124 countries.

SOS-UK is a new educational charity set up by the students and staff at NUS. We support students to tackle the climate emergency and ecological crisis, and deliver climate justice.

Southall Black Sisters
Southall Black Sisters, a not-for-profit, secular and inclusive organisation, was established in 1979 to meet the needs of Black (Asian and African-Caribbean) women. Our aims are to highlight and challenge all forms gender-related violence against women, empower them to gain more control over their lives; live without fear of violence and assert their human rights to justice, equality and freedom.

Spinal Injuries Association
We are the expert voice and leading source of information and advice for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). For over 40 years, we’ve been supporting SCI people and representing the wider SCI community to government and other decision-makers. Our work in campaigning, education and support is based on the personal experiences of our members.

State Watch
Statewatch undertakes and encourages the publication of investigative journalism and critical research in Europe in the fields of the state, justice and home affairs, civil liberties, accountability and openness. We are working for a Europe of democracy and diversity, fundamental civil liberties and personal and political rights, free movement and freedom of information, and equal rights for all.

We’re here to let all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, here and abroad, know they’re not alone.

StreetDoctors empowers young people affected by violence by equipping them with the skills to save lives and the knowledge to make informed decisions about keeping themselves and others safe. We do this by providing training in emergency first-aid through a network of young healthcare volunteers in partnership with local communities across the UK.

Student Christian Movement (SCM)
SCM is a movement of Christian students committed to putting faith into action for a more just and inclusive church and world.

Students for Global Health
We at Students for Global Health UK, believe that global health is a local issue and we work to create a fair and just world in which equity in health is a reality for all. We achieve this through our activities focused on education, advocacy and action across our 36 university branches in the UK as well as large youth national and international organisations. We do this through empowering youth to be global health advocates on a local level through national and international activities, and being a powerful voice on health equity nationally, through our policies and parliamentary involvement.

Tai Pawb
Tai Pawb promotes equality and social justice in housing in Wales. We believe that all people have the right to access good quality housing and homes in cohesive and safe communities. We want to reduce prejudice, disadvantage and poverty.

Talk Fracking
Talk Fracking is a national campaign group, created in 2014 to bring public awareness to the negative effects and impacts from hydraulic fracturing in the UK and beyond. It is headed by the fashion designers Joe Corré and his mother, Dame Vivienne Westwood.

Tearfund is a Christian international development, humanitarian and advocacy NGO. We work in over 50 countries worldwide, in partnership with communities, churches and local organisations, to address poverty.

Terrence Higgins Trust
We’re the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity. We support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
Together is an alliance of Scottish children’s charities that works to improve the awareness, understanding and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Together’s growing membership is made up of a range of children’s charities, from small local playgroups through to large international charities, alongside individuals, academics and professionals with an interest in children’s rights.

Townswomen’s Guilds
Townswomen’s Guilds grew from the Suffrage movement after all women got the vote and have continued to campaign to improve the lives of women whatever their background or beliefs. Human Rights are fundamental to a fair society and Judicial Review is an important step in holding politicians to account.

TransActual is a trans led organisation working to improve the lives of trans people in the UK through advocacy, education and empowerment.

The Traveller Movement
The Traveller Movement (TM) is an award-winning leading national charity committed to the fulfilment of human rights for ethnic minority Gypsy Roma and Traveller people.

Tzedek is a UK-based International Development charity. We work in partnership with local organisations to reduce poverty in some of the poorest regions of the world, while simultaneously educating and engaging with the UK Jewish community about global social justice.

UK Black Pride
Founded in 2005, UK Black Pride is Europe’s largest pride celebration for LGBTQ people of African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American and Middle Eastern descent.

Uplift’s mission is to support and energise the movement for a just and fossil fuel-free UK. We strategically resource, connect, and elevate ideas and voices to set in motion a just transition away from fossil fuel production that is commensurate with the scale of the climate crisis. We put equity and justice at the heart of everything we do.

Unlock Democracy
Unlock Democracy believes politics must work for everyone because currently the rules of democracy aren’t fair. They bring people together in an inclusive, supportive and inspiring movement for political reform, developing people’s skills, knowledge & confidence in order to build power and win significant political change.

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)
VODG is the national infrastructure body representing organisations within the voluntary sector who work alongside disabled people.

Water Witness International
Water Witness leads action, research and advocacy for a fair water future so that all people can access the water they need to thrive and are protected against floods, drought, pollution, ecosystem degradation and water conflict. We help vulnerable and marginalised communities to activate their rights to water security and to demand accountability from duty bearers in government and the private sector.

We Own It
We Own It campaigns against privatisation and for 21st century public ownership. We believe public services belong to all of us – from the NHS to schools, water to energy, rail to Royal Mail, care work to council services.

Welsh Refugee Council
Welsh Refugee Council are a charity with 30 years’ experience working with asylum seekers and refugees in Wales. We are driven by a passion for human rights, equality and social justice and a desire to make Wales a welcoming nation of sanctuary for those seeking our protection.

The Western Sahara Campaign
The Western Sahara Campaign works in solidarity with the Saharawi people to generate political support in order to advance their right to self-determination and promote their human rights. The WSC UK is part of an international network of solidarity organisations that seeks to provide practical assistance in their struggle for liberation and self-determination.

The Wildlife Trusts
The Wildlife Trusts is a grassroots movement of people from a wide range of backgrounds and all walks of life, who believe that we need nature and nature needs us. Each Wildlife Trust is an independent charity formed by people getting together to make a positive difference to wildlife and future generations, starting where they live.

We are the UK section of The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, an international, feminist NGO. WILPF links human rights, women’s participation, disarmament, justice and development in all relevant bodies. We also link local, national, regional and international work. This is our integrated approach to peace.

Established in 1987, Wish is a national, user-led charity working with women with mental health needs in prison, hospital and the community. We provide independent advocacy, emotional support and practical guidance at all stages of a woman’s journey through the Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems.

Womankind Worldwide
In no country in the world do women enjoy the same rights or opportunities as men. Every day women and girls face discrimination, poverty and violence just because they are women. Womankind Worldwide works in solidarity with women’s movements around the world to bring about lasting change in women’s lives.

Women and Girls Network
Women and Girls Network (WGN) was established in 1987 and has spent over 30 years supporting women and girls across London affected by gendered violence. This includes childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, prostitution (including trafficking and sexual exploitation), female genital mutilation (FGM), and so-called ‘honour’ based crimes such as forced marriage.

Women for Refugee Women
Empowering women who have sought asylum in the UK is the heart of our work. We support women who are seeking refuge from persecution, including rape and other torture, to rebuild their lives and communicate their own needs and stories.

Women’s Aid Federation of England
Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. We are a federation of over 170 organisations who provide just under 300 local lifesaving services to women and children across the country. Over the past 44 years, Women’s Aid has been at the forefront of shaping and coordinating responses to domestic violence and abuse through practice, research and policy. We empower survivors by keeping their voices at the heart of our work, working with and for women and children by listening to them and responding to their needs.

Women’s Budget Group
The Women’s Budget Group (WBG) is an independent network of leading academic researchers, policy experts and campaigners. They produce robust analysis and aim to influence the people making policy. They also work to build the knowledge and confidence of others to talk about feminist economics by offering training and creating accessible resources. The WBG is independent and non-for-profit.

Women’s Resource Centre
Women’s Resource Centre is the leading national umbrella organisation for the women’s sector. Our membership and networks include predominantly small local specialist women’s organisations and therefore we need to always be relevant to their needs by rooting our work in intersectionality.

Zero Tolerance
At Zero Tolerance our vision is clear: a world free of men’s violence against women. We work to end violence against women through tackling the root cause of this violence – gender inequality.

Professor Bill Bowring FAcSS, Barrister, Birkbeck College, University of London
Professor Bill Bowring teaches human rights and international law at Birkbeck College, University of London. As a practising barrister since 1974, he has represented applicants before the European Court of Human Rights in many cases since 1992, especially against Turkey and Russia. He has acted as a consultant and expert for the United Nations, Council of Europe, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), European Union and the UK Government. He is the founder in 2003 and a member of the board of European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC).

Jules Carey, Partner, Bindmans LLP
Jules is a human rights lawyer who specialises in actions against the police. Since 1996, when he qualified as a solicitor, he has represented individuals as well as campaign and action groups in this legal field and has had a number of high profile successes in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

Stephen Cragg QC, Doughty Street Chambers
Stephen Cragg QC is an experienced specialist in public law and human rights law in a range of areas. His other area of expertise is in civil actions involving public authorities, and he is as at home cross-examining witnesses as making detailed submissions in public law cases.

Janet Farrell, Partner, Bhatt Murphy
Janet Farrell specialises in public and private law actions for those detained under immigration powers, with a particular focus on the rights of vulnerable groups including children, pregnant women and victims of torture. She is also developing her practice in the field of women’s rights more broadly.

Anthony Hudson QC, Matrix Chambers
Anthony Hudson QC is a highly regarded barrister in media and information law. He has been involved in some of the most significant recent cases on privacy, defamation and open justice. In 2010 he was the Defamation Junior of the Year 2010, Chambers Bar Awards.

Professor Satvinder Juss, Professor of Law, Kings College London
Professor Juss is a human rights expert focusing on policy-oriented work. He contributed as a renowned expert at the invitation of the Home Affairs Committee to a pioneering seminar on Human Trafficking at the Houses of Parliament on 14 May 2009, which brought together the Chairs of all the Home Affairs Committees in Europe, in a new initiative to harmonise standards and procedures in this field.

Professor Francesca Klug OBE, Visiting Professor, LSE Human Rights
Professor Francesca Klug OBE is a Visiting Professor at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights and a member of the Centre’s Advisory Board. She was Director of the Human Rights Futures Project from 2001-2015, which is now housed at the British Institute of Human Rights, and was also a member of the Advisory Board of LSE’s Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion.

Steven McQuitty, Barrister, The Bar of Northern Ireland
Steven McQuitty is a judicial review barrister with expertise in human rights law, albeit accepting instructions across the entire range of public law work.

Ciaran Moynagh, Director, Phoenix Law
Ciaran Moynagh is an experienced Solicitor Advocate with a diverse caseload that points to his passion for human rights & equality, family law and criminal defence.

Ijeoma Omambala QC, Old Square Chambers
Ijeoma Omambala is a highly experienced barrister who inspires enormous loyalty and confidence in her client base. As well as providing excellent advocacy services Ijeoma provides high quality legal and strategic advice in connection with all aspects of the management and litigation of complex cases.

Adam Wagner, Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers
Adam Wagner is an experienced human rights and public lawyer with a strong civil law background. He has extensive expertise in public law, human rights, prison law, immigration and asylum inquests, medical law, mental health law, and actions against the police. He is a Visiting Professor of Law at Goldsmiths University, the Consultant Editor of the 2020 Prison Law edition of Halsbury’s Law of England, and founder of the award-winning human rights charity EachOther.